This page is heavily under construction. I am starting my professional courses as a programmer and the first part is going to be HTML/CSS course, so I am using this site as a way for me to learn, memorize and use the material. It barely qualifies as a web page now, but I hope that as the course goes on, I will be getting more proficient with that and turn this page into something worth looking at.
You can read about my progress on the site and future plans on Construction progress subpage.What kind of content you can expect to see on this page?
Well, I am not really a creative one, so it will be yet another page about its owner's interests. You can expect essays about:
- My experience with solo roleplaying (It's more fun than it sounds)
- The games I played, opinions on them, maybe some cool stories.
- The books I liked, and why
- Why Croaker and what do orcs have to do with that?
EDIT: There was no update to the site in a while, and even though nobody actually cares, I want to see that I did not abandoned it. I just bit more than I could chew in one sit. A REALLY big subpage is in progress of creating. I created first version of CSS of it, finished text and now working on HTML. After that, I'll have to add some simple javascript. A lot of work for someone like me, haha.